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Wrong takeoff distance estimate, but lot of luck

Lot of luck for this pilot who wrongly assessed its take off distance. The Stinson 108-3 registered in British Columbia Canada narrowly escapes the grab of trees.
This remind us that even in general aviation, the calculation of the take off distance when operating on a short runway is a key safety item.


James Farias
Tiverton Ri (United States)
dumb luck on this one! for a cub like that it should not take that much runway to takeoff. obviously pilot error.
19th September, 2023
Tokyo (Japan)
i didn't see the flaps extended at all. Or am i wrong?
21st March, 2013
Carl Hackert
Saratoga Springs (Usa)
Frighteningly long takeoff roll - looks like his right wing clips the tree branches as it passes under them... wow!
19th March, 2013