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Aria Air Ilyushin IL-62M plane crash
Mashhad, Iran

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The Aria Air Ilyushin 62M arrived at Mashhad, Iran, following a domestic flight from Tehran, Iran. 153 passengers and crewmembers were onboard. The plane crash-landed when it landed at Mashhad. Among those onboard, 16 people were killed and 31 were wounded.

The airplane flew too fast during the approach and landing. The usual landing speed for an Il-62 would have been between 125 and 145 kts, yet the plane landed at a speed of 170 kts. In addition, the plane touched down halfway on the 12500 feet (3800 m) long asphalt runway, meaning that the remaining distance available was clearly not enough to stop the plane before the end of the runway. The IL-62M overshot the runway and collided with a wall located more than 1100 meters from runway.

Weather conditions at the time of the accident showed the plane made a cross-wind landing, with moderate winds reported.

Photos of the crash scene show the plane resting on its tail next to a field, the nose section completely ripped off.

Further to this accident, the licence of Aria Airlines had been revoked.

Aircraft similar to the one which crashed (Ilyushin IL-62M)
Mashhad, Iran

Photos of the Aria Air Ilyushin IL-62M crash