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Great Lake Business Co. Antonov AN-32 plane crash
Kongolo, Congo

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The Antonov An-32 was on a cargo and passenger flight from Kongolo (Congo), to Goma (Congo), the main city in North Kivu province, with around 9 tonnes of cassiterite (tin oxide) and other minerals. Goma is a transit point for many mineral exports from eastern Congo. Twelve passengers also boarded the flight.

The airplane developed engine trouble about ten minutes after takeoff. The crew attempted to return to the Kongolo but the airplane was unable to maintain altitude and hit trees, crashed and burned 3 kilometers short of the runway. The plane was flying about 3 tons over the recommended capacity.

Among the 15 people on board (12 passengers and 3 crew members), only 1 survived.

The government has suspended the license of Great Lakes Business Co., the company that operated the plane, along with several other companies for negligence and overloading planes.

Aircraft similar to the one which crashed (Antonov AN-32)