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SA Airlink BAe Jetstream J-41 plane crash
Merebank, South Africa

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The British Aerospace Jetstream 41 was on a positioning flight from Durban International Airport, South Africa, to Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. Three crewmembers were onboard. The planes crashed moments after taking off into an empty school grounds. The three crewmembers were seriously injured, and the captain died few days after the accident. The plane has struck a municipal worker on the ground who was cleaning the street. The ground worker was injured.

The aircraft suffered an engine failure seconds after taking off and the crew declared an emergency. The aircraft then crashed onto a vacant lot, narrowly missing houses, and slid into primary school grounds approximately 400 meters from the runway and broke up.

Aircraft similar to the one which crashed (BAe Jetstream J-41)
Merebank, South Africa

Photos of the SA Airlink BAe Jetstream J-41 crash